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Product from feeds

We provide an option to use predefined products and display them in a dropdown so your users can simply select a product and display all the important data.

Before implementing the endpoints, check how to work with API endpoints.

List products

  • URL: /{API.PRODUCTS} <- variable set in TOPOL OPTIONS
  • Method: GET
  • Content-Type: application-json


idproduct id
searchsearch query string
per_pageexpected products per page (default is 10)
current_pagecurrent page of paginated products
feedactive feed id

This endpoint is called when retrieving products from FEED.


  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": "product id",
      "name": "name of the product",
      "description": "description of the product",
      "url": "link to the product",
      "img_url": "link to an image of the product",
      "price_with_vat": "price of the product including VAT", //without currency
      "currency": "currency of the price",
      "price_before": "original price after product is discounted",
      "product_feed_id": "id of the feed product belongs to"
  //pagination helpers
  "from": "first id of the resource",
  "to": "last id of the resource",
  "total_records": "total records of the resource",
  "per_page": "resource per page",
  "current_page": "current page of the resource",
  "last_page": "last page of the resource"

List feeds

  • Method: GET
  • Content-Type: application-json

This endpoint is called when retrieving feeds of products.


idfeed id
searchsearch query string
per_pageexpected products per page (default is 10)
current_pagecurrent page of paginated products


  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": "id of the feed",
      "name": "name of the feed"
  //pagination helpers
  "from": "first id of the resource",
  "to": "last id of the resource",
  "total_records": "total records of the resource",
  "per_page": "resource per page",
  "current_page": "current page of the resource",
  "last_page": "last page of the resource"