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Saved blocks

Users can save their sections by clicking save button while moving mouse over section. To enable this feature set savedBlocks to [], to disable it doesn't set the value at all or set it to null You can hide saved blocks savedBlocks: false.

savedBlocks: [];

Each block has the following structure:

  id: 1, // ID of the block, if not set it uses the Array Index
  name: 'My saved block 001', // You can set a name or an image
    'http://...', // The editor shows only name or image, not both, if both set it will show the image

There are three actions you need to implement to make saved blocks work: onBlockSave, onBlockEdit and onBlockRemove. All of them needs to be implemented in callbacks object.


onBlockSave(json) {
  const name = window.prompt('Enter block name:')
  if (name !== null) {
    console.log('saving block', json)
onBlockRemove(id) {
  if (window.confirm('Are you sure?')) {
    console.log('removing block', id)
onBlockEdit(id) {
  const name = window.prompt('Block name:', 'My block 001')
  if (name !== null) {
    console.log('saving edited block', id)

Since it's your responsibility to take care of those actions, you also need to update the list of saved blocks once updated. To do so you the following function:

    id: 1, // ID of the block, if not set it uses the Array Index
    name: "My saved block 001", // You can set a name or an image
    img: "http://...", // The editor shows only name or image, not both, if both set it will show the image
    definition: "json",

This function takes an array of all saved block you want to show within the editor.